Monday, October 27, 2008

The Abolition of Scouting

It's the little things that give away what a ghastly old Trot deep down Peter Hitchens really is (not to mention the big things, such as his unhinged attitude towards President Bush). Whilst fuminating (quite rightly) against the disgusting modern Scout Association's sex-ed plans (which it now turns out were wheeled out in tandem with the Governments own sex-ed plans for very young children indeed), he also snorts derisively
I'm not too sorry to have missed the Scouts. I'm not wild about youth movements, even independent ones. They give off an odour of regimentation and enforced jollity that I don't much like. But if we have to have them, then independent ones are the only sort to have.
Regimentation! "Enforced jollity"! How could liberated modern youth ever be expected to tolerate such things?

This is a man who bangs on about The Abolition of Britain. But what sort of Britain would he actually want to preserve?

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