Some of the Press have made the usual smutty innuendo - but then for most journalists that's all the Movement is now fit for, and their attitude to children in general is not much better. The Male is suitably alarmist, but then of course they would be wouldn't they. They also have a photo labelled 'a scout leader and his pack' - which makes me feel there really is no hope. Yes, it's natural to be a pedant about terminology if one knows what it's supposed to be (i.e. what it used to be)! But what this boo-boo in particular underlines is that for most people it's the Cubs - or "Cub Scouts" as they are now known, somewhat tellingly - who are now the public face of Scouting, and not the Scouts themselves. For all that the Scout Association's never-ending re-branding project has aimed at making the movement less juvenile (because of course that's what "modern kids" want), in reality its often no longer seen as being appropiate for anyone over the age of 11. And of course that only makes the new condoms policy all the more disturbing.

Apart from that I have nothing much to say, other than that this is just yet another nail in the coffin of traditional Scouting. In the 1960s the Scout Association was taken over by a bunch of charlatans who abolished Baden-Powell's version of Scouting and replaced it with something the founder wouldn't even vaguely recognise. I mean, just go to their sodding "Explorer" (i.e. modern teenage Scouts) website. The first thing that comes up is a picture of multi-racial teenagers of both sexes sitting around indoors wearing baggy, American-style mufti clothes, watching television, playing on their mobile 'phones - and trying to get off with each other on the sofa.
And it's not even a photograph. It's a cartoon. Not only is this not real Scouting, but one wonders if there are even any real children involved in it.
For their own moral wellbeing, one certainly hopes not!
1 comment:
Frightening! Some of my children are/were scouts..& have been on camps.
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